Faster time-to-decision & reduced costs with decision augmentation AI


We connect your organization’s data behind the scenes to power prescriptive analytics models that let you simulate various actions to see which will be most effective, removing decision fatigue and helping you focus on being productive! デモ

The Platform




Product Explorer

Product Explorer lets you easily view products and get notifications so you can manage surplus product, set safety stock levels, and optimize revenue at a glance.

Recommended Actions

Kimaru offers AI-powered recommendations that you can accept, defer, or adjust, implementing them easily through your existing systems. This creates a feedback loop that enhances accuracy for both you and the AI.

Decision Tracker

The Decision Tracker shows how you're getting more accurate in your decisions by using Kimaru Ai, as well as the amount of Cost Recovery achieved by this improved decision accuracy.

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Decision Intelligence Blog

B2B分野に特化した、米国発アクセラレータープログラム「Alchemist(アルケミスト) Japan(ジャパン)」採択企業を発表

 三菱地所株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表執行役 執行役社長:中島篤、以下三菱地所)は、丸の内エリア等でスタートアップ・エコシステムの形成に取り組んでおりますが、世界有数のアクセラレーターである米国シリコンバレーをベースとするAlchemist Accelerator LLC(本社:カルフォルニア州、CEO:Ravi Belani氏、以下Alchemist)とのパートナーシップを締結しています。

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